整合的實證研究回顧調查孵化影響解決問題的報告。盡管一些研究人員報道潛伏期(即後溶液的比例上升。,a period of time in which a problem is set aside prior to further attempts to solve), others have failed to find effects. The analysis examined the contributions of moderators such as problem type, presence of solution-relevant or misleading cues, and lengths of preparation and incubation periods to incubation effect sizes. The authors identified a positive incubation effect, with divergent thinking tasks benefiting more than linguistic and visual insight tasks from incubation. Longer preparation periods gave a greater incubation effect, whereas filling an incubation period with high cognitive demand tasks gave a smaller incubation effect. Surprisingly, low cognitive demand tasks yielded a stronger incubation effect than did rest during an incubation period when solving linguistic insight problems. The existence of multiple types of incubation effect provides evidence for differential invocation of knowledge-based vs. strategic solution processes across different classes of problem, and it suggests that the conditions under which incubation can be used as a practical technique for enhancing problem solving must be designed with care.
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解決問題的治療抑鬱症:一個薈萃分析。中國Psychol啟2009年6月,29 (4):348 - 53。doi: 10.1016 / j.cpr.2009.02.003。Epub 2009年2月26日。 2009年中國Psychol啟。 PMID:19299058 審查。
無意識的原型啟發式處理科學創新解決問題。Psychol前麵。2023年2月23日,14:1056045。doi: 10.3389 / fpsyg.2023.1056045。eCollection 2023。 前麵Psychol》2023。 PMID:36910757 免費的PMC的文章。
比較虛擬和麵對麵教學對學生的影響表現在加法製造學習活動的設計。Res Eng Des。2022; 33 (4): 385 - 394。doi: 10.1007 / s00163 - 022 - 00399 - 8。Epub 2022 9月1。 Res Eng Des》2022。 PMID:36065429 免費的PMC的文章。
“饒了我吧!”A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of micro-breaks for increasing well-being and performance.《公共科學圖書館•綜合》。2022年8月31日,17 (8):e0272460。doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0272460。eCollection 2022。 《公共科學圖書館•綜合》。2022。 PMID:36044424 免費的PMC的文章。
自然環境對創造力的影響。精神病學。2022年7月27日,13:895213。doi: 10.3389 / fpsyt.2022.895213。eCollection 2022。 前精神病學》2022。 PMID:35966494 免費的PMC的文章。
傾向或多樣性?研究心智遊移如何影響創造力的孵化效果。《公共科學圖書館•綜合》。2022年4月29日,17 (4):e0267187。doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0267187。eCollection 2022。 《公共科學圖書館•綜合》。2022。 PMID:35486594 免費的PMC的文章。