一些理論分析風險評估決策和行動的關鍵決定因素,和這個想法一直在支持相關研究。然而,相關數據不能回答這個問題,”並提高風險評估改變人們的意圖和行為?”的present review meta-analyzed experimental evidence in order to address this issue. We identified 4 elements of risk appraisal-risk perception, anticipatory emotion, anticipated emotion, and perceived severity-and located experiments that (a) engendered a statistically significant increase in risk appraisal among treatment compared to control participants and (b) measured subsequent intention or behavior. Heightening risk appraisals had effects of d+ = .31 (k = 217) and d+ = .23 (k = 93) on intention and behavior, respectively. There was evidence that the elements of risk appraisal combined to influence outcomes. For instance, heightening risk perceptions had larger effects on outcomes when anticipatory emotions or perceived severity was also increased. Crucially, risk appraisal effects were augmented by coping appraisals: Risk appraisals had larger effects on outcomes when response efficacy and self-efficacy were enhanced or when response costs were reduced. The largest effect sizes were observed when risk appraisals, response efficacy, and self-efficacy were simultaneously heightened (d+ = .98 and .45, for intention and behavior, respectively). These findings indicate that heightening risk appraisals changes intentions and behavior. However, the direct effects of risk appraisals were generally small. Exploiting synergies among the elements of risk appraisal, and between risk appraisals and coping appraisals, should make for more effective behavior change interventions.
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做抗生素宣傳運動接觸減少意圖需要抗生素治療嗎?測試一個結構模型在父母在澳大利亞西部。《公共科學圖書館•綜合》。2023年5月18日,18 (5):e0285396。doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0285396。eCollection 2023。 《公共科學圖書館•綜合》。2023。 PMID:37200317 免費的PMC的文章。
人口的影響,衛生和心理社會因素對病人吸收英國NHS糖尿病預防計劃。BMC衛生服務研究》2023年4月11日,23 (1):352。doi: 10.1186 / s12913 - 023 - 09195 - z。 BMC衛生服務研究》2023年。 PMID:37041541 免費的PMC的文章。