本研究的目的是開發一個前瞻性應用分類方法並存狀況可能改變死亡率用於縱向研究的風險。加權指數,考慮數量和共病的嚴重性疾病發展559年一群病人。的1年死亡率不同的分數:“0”,12% (181);“1 - 2”,26% (225);“3 - 4”,52% (71);和“大於或等於5”,85% (82)。指數測試的預測能力的死亡風險共病病685年第二批病人在10年的隨訪。百分比的患者死於共病的疾病不同的分數:“0”,8% (588);“1”,25% (54);“2”,48% (25); "greater than or equal to 3", 59% (18). With each increased level of the comorbidity index, there were stepwise increases in the cumulative mortality attributable to comorbid disease (log rank chi 2 = 165; p less than 0.0001). In this longer follow-up, age was also a predictor of mortality (p less than 0.001). The new index performed similarly to a previous system devised by Kaplan and Feinstein. The method of classifying comorbidity provides a simple, readily applicable and valid method of estimating risk of death from comorbid disease for use in longitudinal studies. Further work in larger populations is still required to refine the approach because the number of patients with any given condition in this study was relatively small.
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