在< 32周的妊娠羊水減少體積與減少胎兒運動有關
本研究的目的是評估羊水體積之間的關係(AFV)和胎兒運動< 32周妊娠所評估的常規生物物理配置文件(BPP)。從數據庫465個nonhypertensive,非糖尿病的患者提供< 32周妊娠,單例的患者,與AFV nonanomalous胎兒,胎兒運動作為BPP的一部分評估確定在24小時內交貨進行了研究。羊水成交0到2分,按照下列標準:大口袋在垂直直徑小於1厘米= 0;< 2 >但1厘米= 1;> = 2厘米= 2。胎兒運動(FM)得分超過30分鍾:0如果缺席,如果1 - 2運動,2如果> = 3總值(肢體/箱)運動。變量評估包括胎兒表示,胎齡(GA),胎膜早破(舞會)作為主要指示交付,臨床絨毛膜羊膜炎(由以前公布的標準診斷),感染的組織學參數(在羊膜和臍帶評估由一個病理學家盲法臨床數據),和新生兒的結果。統計分析包括應急表和方差分析,p < 0.05被認為是重要的。三百五十二例患者符合入選標準。一百六十七名患者(47%)有舞會作為主要指示交付。 Infrequently, decreased fetal well-being manifested by a BPP < 7 of 10 points was an indication for delivery despite prematurity (n = 7). Of the 352 patients, 80 (23%) had AFV = 0, 60 (17%) had AFV = 1, and 212 (60%) had AFV = 2; and 12 (3%) had FM = 0, 30 (9%) FM = 1, and 310 (88%) FM = 2. There was a significant correlation between decreased AFV and decreased fetal movements (p < 0.0001). Fetal presentation and GA were not significantly different between patients based on score of fetal movements. The incidence of clinical chorioamnionitis was significantly greater in patients with FM = 0 (p < 0.005). We conclude that decreased AFV is associated with decreased fetal movements irrespective of fetal presentation or gestational age. Neonatal outcome (umbilical vasculitis, sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage) is affected only in unusual cases in which otherwise uncompromised (nonhypoxic, nonacidotic) fetuses have low scores on both these antepartum ultrasonographic parameters.
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