


英國醫學雜誌1990年;300年doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.300.6737.1458(02 1990年6月出版)引用這個:英國醫學雜誌300:1458 1990;
  1. M L斯萊文,
  2. L斯塔布斯,
  3. H J植物,
  4. P威爾遜,
  5. W M格雷戈裏,
  6. P J回來”,
  7. S M唐納
  1. 帝國癌症研究基金會的醫學腫瘤學,聖巴塞洛繆醫院,倫敦。


    目的——比較反應患者的癌症與匹配的對照組,癌症專家,全科醫生和癌症護士評估個人的成本效益的化療。設計——連續招募了癌症患者的前瞻性研究通過問卷調查和其他團體;一半的患者接受了問卷調查了三個月後開始治療。設置——倫敦一家教學醫院腫瘤內科病房。主題——106名新診斷的患者固體腫瘤稱為細胞毒性化療治療的單位考慮,100人能夠完成問卷。100年與控製,315年癌症醫生(238 radiotherapists和77醫療腫瘤學家),1500隨機選擇的全科醫生,1000隨機選擇癌症護士。主要結果的措施——百分比治愈的機會,延長生命,或減輕症狀應治療值得有兩個假設的化療,分別有嚴重和輕微的副作用。結果,受訪者的問卷包括100例患者,100控製,60醫療腫瘤學家(78%),88 (37%)radiotherapists, 790(53%)全科醫生,303(30%)癌症護士。大多數患者願意接受密集化療獲益的可能性非常小。平均收益應強化治療對患者值得而假想的控製:對治愈的可能性(範圍1 - 100%)1% v 50%,為延長生命(範圍三個月到五年)12個月v 24-60月,對於緩解症狀(範圍1 - 100%)分別為10% v 75%。 There were no significant differences in the responses of the 50 patients completing the questionnaire on a second occasion. Doctors and nurses were less likely to accept radical treatment for minimal benefit compared with the patients (median scores 10-50%, 12-24 months, and 50-75%, for chance of cure, prolonging life, and relief of symptoms respectively). Significantly more patients than controls accepted treatments giving the minimal benefit for each category (cure 53.1 v 19.0%, 67.0 v 35.0%; prolonging life 42.1 v 10.0%, 53.0 v 25.0%; relief of symptoms 42.6 v 10.0%, 58.7 v 19.0% for intensive and mild treatments respectively, p less than 0.001) as was the case for comparison of patients with other groups. CONCLUSION--Patients with cancer are much more likely to opt for radical treatment with minimal chance of benefit than people who do not have cancer, including medical and nursing professionals. This could be taken into account when discussing treatment options with patients and their relatives.
